Why Hitachi-Omron Cash Recyclers ?

A Few Reasons Why HITACHI-OMRON Recyclers Are Superior!

1. Speed:
Approximately 10 notes per second transport speed.

2. Capacity:
Approximately 3,000 new notes per recycling cassette and approximately 600 notes in the reject/overflow cassette.

3. Size:
- 51 1/2"H x 19"W x 38 3/4"D for SR-7500.

4. Installed Base:
Approximately 125,000 units sold worldwide.

5. Experience:
Approximately 30 years experience manufacturing recyclers.

6. Reliability:
HITACHI and OMRON products are known for quality.

7. Established Company:
- HITACHI was founded in 1910; Approximately $82.2 billion net sales in 2004 with 326,000 employees worldwide.
- OMRON was founded in 1933; Approximately $5.5 billion net sales in 2004 with 24,000 employees worldwide.

8. Jam Ratio:
We have an expected jam ratio of 1 jam per 30,000 to 40,000 notes depending on the condition of the notes.

9. Expected Repairs:
We have an expected repair call rate of less than one call per machine per year where a repair is made or a part is replaced.

10. Wear Item Replacement Cycle:
Most wear items (like belts) have a periodical replacement cycle of 4 or more years .

11. Intelligent Sensor Technology:
The machine makes automatic sensor adjustments to compensate for dust/dirt build-up on the sensors to extend the time between cleanings and Periodical Maintenances (PM's).

12. Accessibility:
The machine is designed to allow easy access to all note transport areas so that any jam can be cleared by the operators (not requiring a technician).

13. Easy to Service:
The machine is designed to allow all Field Replaceable Units (FRU's or sub-assemblies) to be exchanged and tested in 30 minutes or less.

14. Cleaning and Maintenance:
Cleaning the machine is expected every 120,000 notes or 3 months and PM's are expected every 240,000 notes or 6 months, whichever is earlier.

15. Very Detailed Documentation:
We provide advanced training tools (video and documentation) to allow the operators to perform basic cleaning (depending on the customer).

16. Easy to Integrate, Operate, and Maintain:
We provide highly advanced middleware which automates identifying problems, clearing jams, and jam recovery which include description of problem, picture guidance, and video guided recovery procedures.

17. Superior Note Identification Technology:
This is a 100% original technology of HITACHI and OMRON (not from any third party).

18. Cassette System, Not Drum:
The machine provides more flexibility for loading/unloading of notes. Cassettes can also be removed for transportation, more secure storage, or manual loading/unloading of notes.
- More familiar to armored carriers.
- More reliable and less catastrophic if a failure such as jam does occur in the machine.

19. Highest Total Machine Capacity:

12,000 new notes or 10,000 fit notes with 4 x recycling cassettes and 1 x reject/overflow cassette.

20. Highest Input/Output Capacity per Transaction:
300 notes in and 300 notes out; loose bundle.

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